LIGNON HILL: Lignon hill is nestled between Mayon Volcano and Legazpi City Airport. This area was developed by the local government because of its geograhical location. Climbing to the top, visitors get to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Gigantic and beautiful Mayon Volcano. The local government put up a huge view deck at the topmost part of this hill and is now the most common spot where local and international reporters, writers, journalist, and photographers do their respective photo shoots of the world famous majestic Mayon Volcano. The view opposite to the Mayon Volcano is the entirety of Legazpi City area, its neighboring towns, as well as mountains and the Pacific Ocean shores embracing it. Lignon Hill is just a good 5-minute ride from Albay Provincial Capitol and 15 minutes away from Legazpi City proper. .
Amazing Ornamental Plants in Tagaytay
The ARID & AROIDS Farm in, Tagaytay, Philippines. This farm is owned by two
plant enthusiasts... Neil "Boyet" Ganigan and and Dr. Jay Silvestre. Take a